Erectile Dysfunction in Diabetic Men

Title of the document वैज्ञानिक आधार पर सेक्स समस्याओं के समाधान हेतु सम्पर्क करें: 9811522639 / 8851127124

Majority of Diabetic Men approximately 50-70%suffer from various sexual dysfunctions at some stage of the disease and ED is also an indicator of impending Cardiovascular disease.
Few dysfunctions are specific to DM e.g. Retrograde ejaculation but otherwise most of Sexual dysfunctions are as in Non-Diabetic men, only that they are more severe and more resistant to treatment.
PDE5 inhibitors remain the mainstay of the treatment but supplementation improves results.
If satisfactory results are not attained, other therapies are resorted to and as last resort, Penile Implants may be required.
But to attain better results, primary requirement is effective control of Diabetes, which is absolutely essential.

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